Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Is Money the root of Evil

In our world today there is one item that controls us and influences us all, money; the thing that makes us who we are or who we want to be. However, money is not necessarily the root of all evil. If money is used appropriately, money has the influence of benefiting those around us, yet at the same time it can bring out the worst in many people. Money also controls society where it can cause substantial problems in politics, the government as well corrupt cities. Lastly, although money is indeed the root of everything, we cannot live with money because of our economic society. Everything has its pros and cons and whatever it may be there is always an outcome. Money however, is not necessarily the root of all evil. Money can definitely help many people. Through my experiences, I've learned that money can make a huge impact for those around us. For instance, every year I stock a shoebox with toys and goods for the yearly event of Operation Christmas Child. Knowing that a child from around the world is receiving my shoebox, I can understand that a little money can bring happiness for those who are in need. However, anyone can use money, even well off citizens; it doesn't matter if you are poor, wealthy or rich. You can spend money on whatever you like; whether its computer games, food, entertainment, or even gambling. The problem with money is that everyone would like an abundance of it, but not everyone has the opportunity to have it at their disposal. When too many people are longing for the same thing and there is not enough to go around, people start creating their own ways on how to get their own share. Soon enough, crime becomes a factor and humans lose their morality and start stealing from one another. When I was in grade 10, my parents bought me a brand new IPod; nevertheless, it was stolen because someone wanted it as well. Money also can cause significant damage to once a stable political society to become spiteful and greedy. The United States is the perfect example. President Bush has always had a strong desire to lead his country. However, the decisions that he made only benefited what he believed was best and not what the country believed. In 2001, President Bush made the decision of declaring war in Afghanistan. The main purpose of the war was to capture Bin Laden as well as to destroy Al-Queda. Nevertheless, the mission became into trying to control Afghanistan itself. Over 20,000 troops were sent to insure control. In order to pay for the enormous project and mission, cuts were made and state entities had to be closed; many workers lost their jobs. President Bush Mayor found that the war was more important than the country itself. In turn, the country has to find its own ways to pay for its own necessities; which only will result in depreciation. We also see on a regular basis of other federal government cases that centre on embezzlement with government funds when all the while more important issues can be solved with the money being cheated by our leaders and superiors. Eventually, the focal point becomes on money and not the important issues such as the homeless and crime. People in general love money; we love to own nice things and are excited when we are able to purchase that item we once dreamed about having one day. There are some, though, that have problems using it in the proper way. Instead of saving money, I purchase useless items that are not necessary. Last March break, I went snowboarding with my friends in Banff with my brand new fast snowboard rather than paying off the debt I owed to my parents. In reality, we place money at the top of everything; it is the first and foremost on the minds of people. We dream constantly of what would make our lives better; if we need the money desperately, if we need to satisfy our desires, or even to try and fulfill our dreams. A Homeless man on the street needs money to buy food, a mother needs money to take care of her child, and a father needs money to pay his home mortgage payment. We would all like to â€Å"have it all. † I dream of living in the perfect world; where I live in the perfect community, drive the fastest car and owning the newest entertainment systems. It all comes down to how we place the importance of our wants and needs. I always desire what my friends have, but by what means will I go to get it? Will I get another job? Or ultimately even choosing the negative outcome by stealing? Money is surely the root of everything, good and evil. Money controls the world that we live in. It's something that we need to survive with and it's one of the most manipulative objects that can control us. Money is the root of everything, good and evil. In our society today, we cannot walk out the door without seeing something that involves money. It is up to us on how we manipulate it and how we use it in our daily lives. I've learned that with money comes discernment. What type of discernment will I use when I want to have something? The Parable of the lost son in the bible tells the story of a young man who wants his share of his father's inheritance. Not long after that, the young son took off to a distant country and squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, he had nothing, and continued by living by working on a farm and eating what the pigs ate. The lesson of the story is that we need to use money wisely and to have the right discernment. So ask yourself, how do you spend money? Do you use it wisely? Or spend it foolishly?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Competence in Counseling Essay

Counseling is the professional guidance in resolving personal conflicts and emotional problems. It is advice, opinion, or instruction given in direction the judgment or conduct of another. Knowing how to posses personal qualities such as maturity, empathy, warmth, understanding, and knowledge. From a legal stand point ethics, morality, and law must be strongly conformed. It is accurate decision-making, knowing appropriate words to use, and knowledge of the governing standards that is required. Also knowing accurate information about culture and ethnicity of the present society. Aspects of Counseling Counseling has been misrepresented over the past years for different types of endorsements of products. In todays time the profession as far as counseling goes is now corresponded within its practice. The focus is on growth and wellness as well as clarification of mental disorders. In order to relate to the counseling field an understanding of guidance and psychotherapy must be understood along with having history of the profession. Guidance is leadership, instruction, or direction by helping others make important choices that affect their future in maintaining a productive and healthy lifestyle. An individual being taught guidance must learn to choose what values them the most in order to produce change within their life. This will give that particular individual a sense of direction by following instructions to becoming a leader. The goal in guidance is to promote resourceful and happy lives of individuals by helping them adjust to social actualities. Psychotherapy is a process focused on helping heal and learn more beneficial ays to deal with problems or issues within an individuals life. It is also a supportive process when going through a difficult time period or either under increased stress. It traditionally focused on serious problems associated with internal issues, personal issues, and conflicts. Normally psychotherapy is recommended when a person is struggling with a life, relationship, work issue, or a specific health concern causing the individual a great deal of pain or upset for longer than a few days. Counselors hold an important position that affect many lives throughout the course of a career. A counselor serves as an advice-giving role in a wide number of areas. There are many types of counselors, including school guidance counselors, psychological counselors, counselors for victims, youth camp counselors and more. Aspects of Counseling The vast majority of counselors are extremely caring people who are dedicated to their work and enjoy helping to make others’ lives better. There is a wide range of ideal personality traits that are associated with being a top counselor. One of the most important personality traits, if not the most important, is a keen ability to listen. In order to help people and find solutions to problems, the counselor must be a keen listener in order to best help the person seeking counsel. Counselors should also have an understanding of human psychology and possess a strong sense of sensitivity. Another ideal character trait for a counselor is having a strong sense of direction in order to find the best path to success for the people whom they counsel. Having a strong sense of direction usually solves problems more quickly and efficiently. Ideal counselor personality traits are a commitment to the profession, humanity and the client. The ideal counselor serves the assistance of the clients. The counselor will develop meaningful and trusting relationships with their clients and insure that this trust is not shaken or broken. An ideal counselor’s personality has a consumer first attitude and should represent a supporter and guidance role with nurturing characteristics to assist in the creation of a reliable bond between the client and the counselor. Other quality traits include their knowledge of the profession and its standards of practice, along with some background in psychology. A good organizational personality trait of a counselor is their willingness to promote efficient case management techniques. Aspects of Counseling As an effective counselor one of the main qualities needed is patience. Go to the next step of explanation only when the patient has clearly understood the content of the information you have provided. Therefore the counselor needs to have enough sufficient time for the patient, and should also be a good listener. Let the patient express everything he/she has to say, and give your inputs once when the patient has finished talking. A counselor should be very observant and able to interpret non-verbal communication for example if the patient looks angry, and then find out the cause of his/her anger first. An effective counselor should provide non-possessive warmth in a counseling environment. Smile and show concern and acceptance by showing comfort, empathy, and understanding to the patient. Counselors should have good knowledge on the topic /problem like compliance to medication. Some people do not take medication for the same reasons, while others demand medication. Understanding the factors why people may not do certain activities at specific time will help you to assist them better. Try to understand the feelings the patient is having in the counseling process. In other words put yourself in his/her position. Give the patient the opportunity to make his/her own decision from your message. Lastly be sure to make it aware to the patient that you as their counselor maintain confidentiality on what the patient tells you. This means that counseling must be done individually and privately. Letting the patient know that you maintain a high degree of personal reliability, trustworthiness and mutual trust as an effective counselor. Aspects of Counseling As there are three different levels of counseling relationships to be aware of nonprofessional, paraprofessional, and professional. Nonprofessionals would be considered as family, friends, colleagues, untrained volunteers, or supervisors who try in assisting those who are in need. Secondly, paraprofessionals are individuals who have received some sort of training in human relations. Lastly professionals are those who are educated with the nowledge to provide assistance on a protective and corrective level. While being the ideal, effective, and professional counselor you must also keep in mind that you must follow the ethical and legal aspects of counseling also. Ethics is defined as a philosophical discipline that is concerned with human conduct and moral decision-making. You should also familiarize yourself with morality, which involves judgment or evaluation of action, and another major definition to know is law, which is the precise organization of governing standards that are established to ensure legal and moral justice. The law does not dictate what is considered to be ethical but what is considered to be legal. Ethical codes are there to protect the profession from government. They allow the professions to control itself and functions independently instead of being controlled by legislation. In making ethical decisions counselors familiarize themselves with casebooks, professional colleagues, and principles. It is very crucial that counselors become well knowledgeable with ethics for the sake of their own well-being and of their patients as well. Multicultural psychology focuses on the cultural differences in thought processes and acceptable vs. nacceptable behaviors. It relates to normal lives – such as home, education, work and relationships – but also to what is considered ‘abnormal’ or ‘normal’. Aspects of Counseling Knowing your patient plays a huge factor in counseling sessions as well. To know the cultural background of your patient can help you better relate to them as an individual. Many cultural ethnic groups live in the United States. A culture is behaviors, thoughts, perceptions, values, goals, and cognitive processes. An issue in multicultural counseling is the dominance of theories based on cultural values. A second issue is sensitivity to cultures in general, believes that are essential to counselors is knowledge of culturally different patients. Knowing that everyone is their own unique person, and have their own views on different things in today’s society. The counselor must also have the skills to work with patients of different cultures. Counselors must work in order to know their patients and their problems. European Americans when taken into consideration is a larger diverse population they are very common to the people of the United States. When counseling African Americans a counselor must understand the history, and coping mechanisms. Hispanics/Latinos a very diverse group as well, and regardless to their background they are very bicultural. Asian and Pacific Islanders are considered as hard working, successful, and not prone to mental or emotional distress. When dealing with many diverse groups like this a common theme is that counselors who work with a variety of culturally different patients must be knowledgeable about them collectively.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Critically Evaluate the Reasons for the Rise in Position of Apple Essay

Critically Evaluate the Reasons for the Rise in Position of Apple Brandin the Best Global Brands in 2011 - Essay Example Though others consider it to be time consuming and sometimes frustrating, strategic planning has been found to lead to quality decision making if applied effectively (Westphal & Frederickson, 2001, p.1113). This essay tries to find the possible determinants of the positional rise to 8th position of the apple brand in the global brands. Moreover, the rise in position has been linked closely to effective strategic planning hence, some of the tools used in strategic planning have been analyzed and justification for the choice of each tool given. Introduction According to Tapinos, Dyson & Meadows (2005, p.370) recently the topic of strategic planning has drawn a lot of discussions focusing on its effective implementation and the possible outcomes. The subject has attracted both empirical and theoretical exploration as entrepreneurs try to seek more information regarding it. Effective planning has been associated to improved performance, successful implementation and good decision making. Organizations are facing difficult times due to new technologies, market and economic changes globalization and deregulation. Consequently, all these activities call for the application of proper business techniques and the adoption of appropriate planning tools. Although some people may argue that strategic planning has its own ineffectiveness, the advantages that come along with it are overwhelming (Falshaw, Glaister & Tatoglu, 2006, p.9). Strategic planning allows an organization to understand itself by analyzing its vision and objectives in detail. If it is appropriately implemented, it will enable an organization to realize its full potential. Some of the tools employed in planning strategically are discussed below. Tools for Strategic Planning The SWOT analysis tool is the most commonly employed tool to help an organization determine its possible position within the industry of its operation. SWOT refers to the analysis of an organization’s strengths, its weaknesses, a vailable opportunities and finally threats that are facing it (Lyles, Baird, Orris & Kuratko, 2000, p.38). First is to determine the internal position of an organization by assessing its strengths and possible weaknesses. Strengths refer to the most effective skills that are employed by an organization in the attainment of its vision. Some of such skills include employees of high expertise and advanced technology. On the other hand weaknesses are those things that hinder a firm from attaining its full potential such as functional areas’ conflicts and production costs which are very high (Meers & Robertson, 2007, p.303). Brews & Purohit (2007, p.68) asserts that having analyzed its internal position, an organization needs to understand its external position by analyzing the available opportunities and its external threats. Opportunities refer to the currently available or possible future circumstances that are likely to provide a favorable environment for the firm’s gro wth. They include conditions such as completion decrease, market population increase and favorable legislation. On the other hand, threats refer to the currently available or future environmental conditions which are likely to provide unfavorable environment for a firm’s growth such as, unfavorable legislation and new product-development by competitors. An effective SWOT analysis provides an organization with a clear picture of its

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Professionalism in context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Professionalism in context - Essay Example Transgression of these boundaries has meant that society has greatly suffered. In view of this information, this paper will explore professionalism based on a news article as well as some of the laws that have been passed to ensure that professionalism is adhered to. Background Information According to a news article in the Guardian by Joe Curtis, Mr. Patel who worked in a Magistrates Court in Britain made a promise that he would influence the results of a court case. He said would only do this if the victim in the case was willing to pay for the favour. The sum to be paid was put at ?500 (Curtis 2011). He was a clerk in the administrative department of the court. After the fraud was discovered, he was arrested and faced several charges in court for obstruction of justice as well as corruption. If convicted, Mr. Patel faces a maximum jail term of ten years. The man will be prosecuted under the new Bribery Act which came into effect in June 2011 (James 2011). Among other things, this laws places strict laws and penalties for civil servants who engage in bribery activities and also companies which offer bribes to other institutions in order to gain favour from the institutions (Curtis 2011). This is a major step in the reduction of corruption charges in the country as it will keep people on their toes when it comes to corrupt practices. Professionalism and Ethics Professionalism is the ability of a person to perform his duties as required by law and guidelines of the career. Professionalism has been thought to be a complimentary feature of ethics and thus people are expected to be ethical at all times while practicing their professions. Debate has centred on whether ethics and professionalism are part of the same process or one can be implemented separately from the other (Kultgen 1988). Ethics is a major part of society and involves identification of conflicting choices. For a choice to be termed as ethical, it must bring out the greatest good fro the greatest n umber of people. A simpler definition of ethics is the choice between what is considered wrong by society and what is termed right (Driver 2006). All ethical decisions are reasonably acceptable by the majority. However, there are some issues that may bring conflicts as decisions made in such cases seem to be continuously controversial with no specific group of people rooting for or opposing such decisions. There are different codes of ethics depending on the profession. One of the best known ethical guideline is the oath taken by doctors. These codes play a major role in the development of an organization as well as to the development of the career for a person (Shah, Farooq, Munir, Mahmood, & Saeed, 2011). Despite the differences in the codes of ethics in most careers, the goal of all organization is to achieve the best output for the organization and for the consumers. Failure to adhere to such codes of ethics can lead to disastrous outcomes for the organization such as the collap se of various organizations in the world (Ferrell & Ferrell, 2011). The employees of an organization have the responsibility of ensuring that they adhere to such codes so as to promote professionalism in the company. The leaders of the institution should play a leading role in the development of an ethical culture in the organization. The UK, upon realizing the importance of professionalism in its controlled interests, developed a law that would enable it to fight

Systems and operations management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Systems and operations management - Assignment Example The company employs more than 52,000 employees based in four countries at sixteen different sites. The four countries in which the 16 sites are set up are Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Spain. The final assembly of the aircraft is done in Toulouse (France). Also, the company has its subsidiaries in the United States, Japan, China and India. The company has built the world first commercially viable fly-by-wire airliner, the Airbus A320, and also the largest airliner, the A380. The Airbus A380 is a four engine double deck airplane is a double-deck, and is the largest airplane in the world. It took its first flight on 27 April 2005 from Toulouse, and the first commercial flight was operated on 25 October 2007 from Singapore to Sydney in alliance with the Singapore Airlines Corporation. The airplane design offers cabin size of 50% more than the Boeing 747 which is the second largest airplane in the world and provides for a seating space of 850 people as compared to only 525 in t he Boeing 727. Airbus 380 is available in both the passenger and freight models and is the first airplane to use the GTL-based fuel technology. This paper, divided into four section, will make a detailed study about the operations management of Airbus 380, use of Information technology, and soft system methodology to enhance the business and management operations of Airbus. SECTION 1 This section will study the role of operations management, the reasons behind its initiation at the company, and its effect on the business objectives. This section provides the detailed analysis of operations management at Airbus, and how it has been implemented with the help of various OM techniques to increase efficiency. The previous operations at Airbus were not in line with the new requirements of Airbus A380. The new system required higher efficiencies, with precision, and reliability of speedy data and decision making. The old manufacturing facilities were not able to support the requirements of a new and more complex engineering product. It was important that the management makes significant changes in the operational process and data handling system to improve efficiencies. Also the supply chain of the company was in dire need of modifications and up gradations to carry out all the requirements for the manufacture of airbus A380. The engineers were not able to identify the cause of frequent disruptions that usually occurred in the system, which resulted in fault decision making at most of the times. In order to cure the system of these problems, it was evident that operational management would be employed in the form of various techniques that would assist in managing the overall business in a more profitable manner. The company management decided to implement two operations management techniques in its manufacturing floors – Enterprise resource planning and SCOR. Airbus introduced a new oracle based ERP system which also consisted of integrated accounting and cos ting along with the regular purchase and inventory management, production planning, and logistics management systems. The implementation of the ERP made it mandatory that the system is centralized in nature required and the production chain assumes a â€Å"Pull type† formation instead of the existing â€Å"Push type† configuration, ( Chekland, 1981). With these two reforms in place, it became easier to share the data easily within the various manufacturing centers of Airbus and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business and the global Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business and the global Economy - Essay Example Wal-Mart operates in 15 countries and employs 2.1 million employees worldwide. Wal-Mart is headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, USA. Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton, who also owns Sam's Club stores in the U.S. According to its' official site, Wal-Mart was founded in 1962, and was incorporated in 1969, and started trading on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. The company grew rapidly and crossed domestic borders when it opened its first store near Mexico City in 1991(n.d.). Today, Wal-Mart operates in 14 countries outside of the U.S and its expansion doesn't seem to halt here. Wal-Mart is constantly succeeding as an international corporation and is in the race for global retail supremacy with other firms like Carrefour and Walgreens. What is it that has made Wal-Mart the king of the retail industry Along with its extensive local marketing, Wal-Mart has also seen success in expanding overseas through its unique market entry mode. In recent years, Wal-Mart has adopted a very different strategy to expanding both locally and globally through the use of supercentres. Wal-Mart's ideas of a supercentre have been very rewarding to the company and its overall objectives.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business studies - Essay Example As an employer, Mark Quinn looks almost ideal as he does not blast the careless carpenter with expletives for ruining a certain angle in the drawer. In short, RAFT has a working advantage over its competitors. It assumes a humble attitude to business building and not only showcases it in its marketing and human resource management departments, but extends it to the accounting and finance department. RAFT has efficiently attained the balance between attending to challenges in its external environment and conjuring new ideas to create profit. It is important to understand the new business model and ideology to be able to frame the case completely. On undertaking a SWOT analysis of the case, we shall agree with what Mark Quinn has to say. The human resource management department has a couple of interesting strengths like skilled employee base and focused staff who do their work diligently and ensure that orders are churned out at sustainable speeds. The performance can be enhanced in terms of quality and speed through subsequent training. The accounting and finance department would do well with more ecommerce and franchisee centers, although it has been able to tide over the aftermath of Recession and enjoy steady annual profit. The marketing of the brand is sturdy, with a conviction in design and a negation of existing flaws. Its green marketing initiative supercedes its societal marketing initiative in a subtle way. There is also the evergreen scope of improving and creating new product designs using better ideas. But i s this enough? While everything looks so picture perfect, parts of the business that need strengthening are the design, skill, and sustainability aspects. The designs can definitely be much better since customers are likely to tire out of the rugged finish of recycled teak in repeating product cycles, when they find them in stores in the same design over and over again. Designing new models, therefore, is a challenge that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management case study - Essay Example By acquiring main players on the European market, Preussag could finally capture more than 30 percent of the European tourism market and was renovated under the new name – TUI Group. Despite some major successes, it its strategy that could be observed in the case study, some additional steps or changes could be made in order to improve it and make final results of the operations even more successful. Firstly, as it was mentioned in the case study the main reason behind consolidation – economy of scale has not yet been reached (Viardot 2007, p. 21). TUI Group made several serious acquisitions in European market and in UK, but they still have rather strong competitors on both markets. They were able to buy fully the main tour operator in France, but could merge only 30% of their main competitor in UK. In addition, MyTravel, one more UK leading tour operator takes a part of the whole market share. They have succeeded with buying German tour operators, but one more competitor originally from Germany is left, which is ReweTouristik. Therefore, TUI Group could try to expand their presence on the European market by continuing a strategy of merges and acquisitions with their main competitors. By doing this they will be able to expand their leadership on the market without making significant changes within the company. In addition, they would be able to reach the level of synergy that would help them to establish the economy of scale, so important in the industry. Secondly, despite the major presence in EU, TUI Group could try to expand their operations in Asia. They could try move even further on East, to Japan. Having these great resources behind, experience and knowledge in multicultural operations and a good strategy, they could try to establish TUI Japan for Japan tourists, because Japan is considered to be a very attractive from the outbound tourism prospective country (Japan Tourism Marketing 2009) especially towards other eastern

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Public Meeting Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Public Meeting Paper - Essay Example Under the open meeting law, Phoenix city hall building notice board is the only official board to be trusted with official postings of the phoenix city council. Alhambra village planning committee and the public was to hold a public open meeting on 26th February 2013, 6.00pm at Washington Adult Centre. The village planning committee of Alhambra usually meets on the 4th Tuesday every month at the Washington Adult Center. The residents of Alhambra village are mostly stable, mature and the area is characterized single-family home neighborhoods. The area boasts of houses built in 1920s and 1930s but are well maintained (City of Phoenix 1). Located at the entrance of the meeting was the sign- in table for the attendees to register and to be given the handouts. Input and contribution to the meeting by attendees was encouraged in many ways. The attendees interested in public participation during the hearing were to fill the speaker card, write comment forms, and send emails to the planning committee. The total numbers of the local citizens who signed in and attended were one hundred and thirteen. Also in attendance were the members of the Neighborhoods, Housing, and Development Subcommittee. The committee is empowered to provide policy guidance on matters of housing, historic preservation, preservation, homeless, planning, zoning, domestic violence, and reviews developments such as site plans and inspections (City of Phoenix 1). Apart from the people presumed to be the residents, local politicians and the members of the committee which represented the authority, there were no strange people. The media was conspicuously absent. Also absent were the professionals like the surveyors and land economists. The attendees were given the option of returning their speaker cards and written comment forms before the meeting or even submitting comment forms or sending emails

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

APA Research Paper on State Standardized Testing for eng 102 class

APA on State Standardized Testing for eng 102 class - Research Paper Example The response to the questions from all the students is given in a consistent way by all the students. The conditions and the procedures for tackling the questions are also consistent among all the students. In addition, the tests provided are often standardized, that is to say they must be according to the education level and knowledge of the students [Moon, Brighton and Hall 2007]. State standardized testing is common in the schools in the US. However, the practice is accompanied by several problems or challenges. One of the challenges or problems caused by the practice is that it results in frustration and resentment among gifted learners in the educational institutions in the US. In most schools in the US, state standardized testing is a common practice. In schools, there are several students with different abilities. Schools comprise of physically challenged children, mentally challenged children, slow learners, medium learners and lastly the special group of gifted learners. Tho ugh there have been a lot of criticisms of the US, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 has forced the standardized testing in public schools. Standardized tests are often prepared by very talented people who believe that the level of mastery among all students is the same or similar. These people often prepare the test with the aims of testing the knowledge of a student in a certain subject in relation to the knowledge of other students in the same subject. They also test a student’s strength in a certain paper for example mathematics as compared to the student’s strength in a different paper for example science. However, this comparison of the knowledge levels among different students of the same grade level has resulted in frustrations and resentment among the gifted students as earlier mentioned. Gifted students in institutions are students with good memory, high understanding ability and are therefore fast learners. The standardized tests also do not measure to the quality of education that is always expected of the students, [Popham 1999]. In educational institutions where the standardized testing system is practiced, teachers often concentrate so much on the performance of their institutions. Therefore, they tend to concentrate on all students in the classroom. A class consists of students with different abilities. When a teacher concentrates on all the students at ago, this is a great disadvantage to the gifted learners. First, the pace of learning becomes slow as opposed to the expectations of the gifted learners. The slow learning is due to the other physically challenged children, mentally challenged children and the slow learners present in the same class whose pace of understanding is very slow. The learning system also becomes repetitive because the teachers often prefer to re-emphasize on the weak areas of all the learners as shown by their outcomes or results in the standardized tests. The repetitive learning also is a disadvantage to the gifted learners who prefer fresh and new challenging tasks other than the same old content. The slower pace of learning and the repetitive learning is due to the emphasis on the state standardized testing system and this has at a greater level caused frustration and resentment of the gifted learners in the education institutions in the US. "Standardized tests can't measure initiative, creativity, imagination, conceptual thinking, curiosity, effort, irony, judgment, commitment, nuance, good will, ethical reflection, or a host of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Original Writing Essay Example for Free

Original Writing Essay As she lay there silently on her back, staring deeply into the intricate yet excruciatingly dull pattern on the textured ceiling- as if it were a piece of fine, overpriced artwork, she let her thought processes wander over exhausted terrain. She thought of life, of death, of love, of hate, of god and everything along the way. What was it all for? She began to scribble a few notes down on a piece of paper in front of her. Her mind began to flutter from one feeling to the next. Im reading all the time of hate and anger and frustration. Im hearing nothing but the pain of others. I see the agony of all around me. And I have felt it, breathed it, been engulfed by it. I understand the need to vent, to get it all out. But I realise now that I can no longer accept it. Blood is on the minds of millions of innocent children, searching for an answer to this emptiness that harbours our death wish. We hold, in our hand, the power to steal but nothing is taken without payment. Give and take, live and let live. No harm done, no penalty. Even the most gentle of beings get judged by the monster. This is no dragon, no giant; this is a group, a society, a network. This monster is sacrificing the happiness of the innocent for suicide. This monster is killing off what may be our last chance. Children beaten down and left to bleed and to cry, they are screaming but no one cares, no one sees them. They are irrelevant, theses children are they are the children of you and yours and people you know. They are outcasts these children are. They are banned from beliefs of any sort of rebellion or belief in other gods. But these children need no god. These children worship themselves. They are good and are portrayed as evil, yet they are shunned and thrown away. Put on display for window shoppers to point and stare and mock. These children are not different, they are not unique. The children are minions banned together to have their freedom. They are slaves to the system. Their innocence is overlooked but ignorant bystanders and administrators. These children are against everything, against god, against the devil, against you, against me. They refuse to worship the nine inch nails of your so called Christ. You will never win! The children will persevere. The children will run free. You will die someday. They will to. They know that in the end we are all alone and youve spent your lives convinced that there is always someone looking out for you and your heretic children. These children know better than you. These children know fate. They know yours and you can sense it. They can smell the fear in your shattered voice. They can smell failure. The innocent children have a blood lust and a hit list I guess this means you will die. Too bad we couldnt save you from the innocent children they killed us too. We are locked inside our minds and we are rotting here now Everything dies she thought, but she still hadnt figured out how to truly live yet. Would her life come to an end before she even knew the answers to all of her questions? It seemed meaningless. Everything seemed that way lately. Her life had become a painful cycle of the same boring events, day after everlasting day. Her friends had begun to slowly detach themselves from her, and it made her question herself. Shed been gone for so long when she moved away, and her world felt wonderful when she had returned to her home, and the people she had taken advantage of before. Theyd all seemed glad to see her, and shed never felt so important. She fell back into her circle of friends and remembered all that she had walked away from. She was happy again, and that was good. One day, it was like the world had shifted suddenly and everything changed. People stopped talking to her. They no longer came by at all odd hours of the night bearing gifts and happy drug-induced smiles. Distancing them. Maybe they all finally came to the conclusion that they hadnt been missing much after all. People tend to romanticize things to a definite fault, and when they realize theyve set themselves up for disappointment, they dont always realize that they themselves are not the only ones being affected by their great epiphany. They sometimes forget the person in the middle of it all, maybe even unintentionally, but without even thinking twice She asked herself what she possibly could have done to turn them away so suddenly. Was it just her character in general? Were some mindless beings getting rushes of power by spreading dirty lies about her as their new form of narrow-minded offence? Were they sick of her already? The fact that she found herself with so few people left to talk to wasnt what bothered her. It was the fact that she was entirely oblivious to the cause of all of this landfill that made her question herself over and over again. The more she thought about it, the wider the possibility grew that they had never really enjoyed her company in the first place; it was all a terrible charade. She hated that she could be that person that people associated themselves with for mere lack of anything at all better to do. Was she that person that they all talked about in her absence, like she had seen them do to others in times passed? Did they avoid her when they saw her in the streets? Were they all two-faced after all? Again, her reasoning began to shift. She wanted no part in any kind of comradeship with a person too shallow to tell her to go away in person. She felt, she knew she was better off by herself. Somehow she felt more at ease in her own company anymore. Shed learned a lot about people in the years prior, and it sickened her to think about what humanity has come down to, how meaningless people have become. She honestly didnt mind not having friends. Of course friends are wonderful to have, but she had found that she became more herself everyday she spent alone, and she liked that. She had come to the abrupt realization long ago that people really arent worth much anymore; definitely not worth wasting your days trying to change or analyze, or even hold a civil open conversation with, for that matter. And again, it all comes back around to the irrelevance of everything. Why had she just wasted her time thinking about these people that she doesnt even like to surround herself with anymore? Since shed returned, everything had changed so dramatically. Her friends were not the same people they had been three years ago, and they never would be again. She knew she could do nothing, and had accepted this fact, but it lingered painfully in the back of the bedlam of a mind she possessed. She wished for simpler times. She began to let her mind jump to other things. Shed tired herself of pondering anything even remotely related her connections with other people, and had come to the conclusion that she was indifferent on the matter. She really couldnt bring herself to care much anymore. If someone desired to speak with her, theyd approach her, and she would listen, but making any sort of an effort to please another person seemed ridiculous to her Meaningless. The past three hours had been meaningless, and so were the thoughts she had spent that time thinking. And now, so were the people that had provoked these very thoughts.

Hostility and Aggression Essay Example for Free

Hostility and Aggression Essay Examine how Miller presents the themes of Manliness, Hostility and Aggression in A View from the bridge A View from the Bridge, contains many references to manliness, aggression and hostility. Often, these feelings link together. A chief cause of these feelings is Eddie, a man keen on the idea of manliness and who in some ways, feels deprived of love. An example of this is the relationship Eddie has with Beatrice, his wife, and the numerous amounts of conflicts that are present amongst them. It is also shown in the way that Eddie constantly laments over the relationship between his niece, Catherine and her lover, Rodolpho. Before Rodolpho came to Eddie and Catherines household, Eddie and Catherine had a very close relationship. The stage directions frequently let us in on the way that they acted together, physically. Catherine, taking his arm, and walking him to the armchair. Both of these instances portray a rather touchy and sensitive connection between the both of them. Eddie has a very narrow view of what he considers manliness. He may never have said it but his actions showed that he feels manliness consists of knowing ones boundaries and protecting ones territory, a territory in which other men are regarded as hostile intruders if they attempt to enter. We see that Eddie believes that Rodolpho does not conform to this image of masculinity as Eddie says of him, The guy aint right and the guy is no good. Eddie is clearly unhappy with the close relationship developing between Rodolpho and Catherine. He accuses Rodolpho of being effeminate, meaning that he acts more like a woman than a real man, by suspecting that his blond hair is not natural and that his singing at work makes him more like a chorus girl. We can say that, because he is intellectually limited, he acts by instinct and prejudice. He is quite amusing in his attempt to explain and justify his suspicions of Rodolpho, protesting that he has fair hair, a high singing voice, and a taste for feminine occupations such as cooking and dress-making. It is all summed up in the conviction that Rodolpho is gay and therefore not a suitable husband for Catherine. Eddie is feels most comfortable on a physical level, a big, strong, impulsive man. He has a primitive mans view of the purposes of which marriage was ordained and cannot believe that the United States law would allow a young girl to be married to someone who is not right. It is then that he seeks help from Alfieri, a lawyer. Eddie tries to force Alfieri to give him is kind of justice. He believes that Rodolpho is going to marry Catherine in order to make him a legal immigrant and thinks that this is unjust and that the law should be capable of making a case against Rodolpho. Alfieri is a very rational and unemotional as he informs Eddie that no law has been broken. Perhaps the real injustice that Eddie feels is that Rodolpho, an effeminate, weird man is taking Catherine from Eddie, a robust, muscular man. We can relate this to the present idea of a man being hit by a girl. When such an incident occurs men feel, discouraged, weak and powerless the complete opposite of a man, who feels confident in his masculinity as women are always looked down upon. Maybe in this instance, Eddie feels that Rodolpho, a girl, is taking Catherine away from him and conceivably he feels that this is unjust as women should not be more dominative than the men. This has an effect on his confidence and faith in himself, making him weaker as he is not in the more controlling and dictator position. Another example of this is when his own masculinity is called into question when Beatrice asks him When am I going to be a wife again? . Later in the play, when he trying to regain his control he tells Beatrice that she must never ask questions like this again. Eddie is most hostile and aggressive towards Rodolpho. He sees their relationship as thought they are two enemies, fighting over Catherine. An example of this is when Catherine and Rodolpho return from the cinema and Beatrice jokes that Eddie is jealous of Rodolpho. Eddie, shocked by this idea, speaks to Catherine alone to ask her about her feelings for Rodolpho. This turns out to be a confirmation of Eddies thoughts and is probably when the real conflict between Eddie and Rodolpho begun as Eddie finally realized that Rodolpho is in love with Catherine. Another form of aggression is when Eddie teaches Rodolpho how to box. This is an opportunity for Eddie to prove his masculinity to everybody, compared to that of Rodolphos and is also a way of taking out his anger on the one person he hates most. This is also an example of controlled hostility but this then develops into an unpleasant form of hostility, at the beginning of Act II when Eddie kisses Catherine and Rodolpho. Therefore Miller has structured this well as whenever Eddie is calm and friendly, the atmosphere is likewise. When he is tense and hostile the atmosphere is uncomfortable between everyone. Miller also moves the action and the themes of the play until he reaches the final scene. At the end of the play, we see Marco, unexpectedly, release his emotions towards Eddie. Marco is seen as the stronger of the two brothers and has a strong sense of responsibility to his wife and family. Marcos intention to punish Eddie was not a selfish one, he feels that it is his duty to do so and his wisdom of morality is very clear. We are not certain that Marco would have killed Eddie if Eddie had not pulled the knife out, but having said that, Miller did not allow Marco to feel any sorrow or regret for the death of Eddie. Generally speaking, Eddie is a man who feels uncomfortable when the boundaries of his manliness are threatened. Before the cousins arrived from Italy, Eddie had no threat towards him in his household; both Beatrice and Catherines lives revolved around his he liked it this way because he would have complete control over them. However, the arrival of Marco and Rodolpho changed their usual routine and suddenly Eddie felt as though his possessions i. e. Catherine, were at stake.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Health and Safety to Minimise Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk

Health and Safety to Minimise Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk RECOMMENDATIONS Introduction This chapter is concerned with recommendations which can be put forward in order to eliminate or minimize risk of musculoskeletal disorders arising from ergonomic and other hazards. The hierarchy of controls will be considered for putting forward the recommendations. Hierarchy of hazard control The hierarchy of hazard control is a system which provides various hazard control methods, ranging from the most effective to the least effective methods. The hierarchy of hazard control is as follows: Elimination Elimination is the best way to control a hazard as the danger associated with it is completely removed from the workplace but in most cases it is not possible. Substitution The second most effective way of controlling hazards is by substitution which diminishes the hazards associated with a task, activity or process to some extent and new hazards can be introduced but it will have a less harmful effect on the workers. Engineering controls Engineering controls involves the use of physical barriers to prevent interaction between the workers and the hazards by redesigning of the process, job or activity. Administrative controls Administrative controls are concerned with changes in the policies and procedures of the organization. These include: Job rotation Redesigning of task, activity or process Implementation of safe operating procedures Training, instruction and information. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) The least effective way of controlling hazards is by the use of PPE. Here the workers are provided with PPE’s such as earmuffs, visors, respiratory mask to prevent exposure to the hazard. It is considered the least effective as: The hazard is still present If the worker has worn it improperly, he/she is exposed to the hazard They can create hazards sometimes as they interfere with movement. Recommendations for the fourdepartments Recommendations to the problems identified in the four departments in the factory that is cutting, assembly and finishing will be provided. The recommendations for these four departments will not be the same but there are some recommendations which are applicable to all of them, which are as follows: Job rotation Job rotation falls in the administrative methods for controlling hazards. Job rotation involves rotating the employees from different jobs, especially those who uses the same group of muscle repeatedly and in which the workers adopt poor postures. Micro breaks Micro breaks, as their name suggests are small breaks which can range from 30 seconds to two minutes which the worker can take after working continuously for 30 minutes while either standing or sitting. These breaks are important as it enables the musculoskeletal system of the worker to rest, thereby reducing the risk of developing MSDs, especially if the tasks involves repetitive movements, awkward postures and goes on for long period of time. Training in good handling and lifting techniques Good handling and lifting techniques are essential as it reduces the risk of developing MSDS. This is achieved when the worker adopts the techniques. Training is essential and it should include: What are the risk factors and how to recognize them, How to safely lift and handle the loads. Good lifting techniques Before lifting The lift should be plan. It should be seen if the path for the lifting operation is clear and if not, the worker should remove the obstructions. Adopting a stable posture It is essential to maintain balance and the feet of the worker should be apart with one of his/her leg a bit forward. Getting a good hold The load should be as close as possible to the body whenever it is feasible. Starting in a good posture The worker should bend slightly at the start of the lift. Avoid flexing the back more when lifting The worker should not straighten his/her legs before raising the load. Keeping the load close to the waist The load should be kept as long as possible close to the body. Avoiding twisting of the back and leaning sideways The shoulders should face the same direction of the hips and they should be at the same level. Keeping the head up After the load has been secured, the worker should look ahead and not down. Smooth movement In order to keep control and minimize risk of injury, jerking and snatching of the load should be avoided. Avoid lifting loads that are too heavy Workers should always safely lift the loads within their capacity and help from a coworker can be used to safely lift a heavy load. Adjusting the load after it has been put down It is important to put the load down first then move it in the correct position. Medical surveillance Medical surveillance should be carried out as it allows for the early detections of conditions which can have adverse effects on the health of the workers. Ventilation Cutting department Recommendations for the problems which have been identified in the cutting department concerning the equipment or task, activities or processes are as follows: Loading the spreading machine Here training in good lifting and manual handling techniques are necessary as it will teach the workers how to properly lift the fabrics onto the floor level to place it onto the spreading machine to avoid risk of injuries. The other solutions could be: Reduce the weight of the fabric being lifted and, Have a minimum of two people to lift the fabrics. Spreading the fabric Spreading of the fabric should be done by at least two workers, who are facing each other at the opposite end of the tables. This minimizes adoption of awkward postures and long reaches. Also workers should be encouraged to take micro breaks. Cutting the fabric The spreading table should be set at a good working height so as to improve back and shoulder posture which will result in the worker adopting a better posture. Replace the handle of the electric cutter or the cutter itself if possible, with an adjustable handle so as to improve wrist posture. The fabric should not be cut from only 1 side of the table; it should be cut from both sides of the table so as to avoid long reaches. Micro breaks should be taken. Sorting the cut pieces Avoid overfilling of the baskets. Use of smaller baskets to facilitate lifting and handling. Have two persons to carry the baskets if they are heavy Training in good lifting techniques. Assembly department Recommendations for the problems which have been identified in the assembly department concerning the equipment or task, activities or processes are as follows: Supply and removal of clothes Smaller boxes should be placed at an adequate height to allow easy grips. The tables on which the materials are placed should be of the same height of the sewing table. The tables should be large enough to contain the clothes and they should be stable. Sewing table Height The sewing table should be adjustable so that the workers can adjust the height at their elbow level, which is the most adequate. Size and shape The larger tables can be tailored to make them smaller in order to allow delivery and supply of materials easier. Also for small tables, an addition can be placed on it so as to augment its size. Raised edges can also be placed on the table to prevent materials from falling. Angle Tilting the table by 100 t0 250 towards the operator can improve visibility and prevents the worker to adopt poor neck posture. Chair As it was found out during the study, the chairs are not good enough. Chairs with the following features should be bought: Adjustability The seat height should be adjustable Seat height – this should be easily adjustable and it should be able to be adjusted to the height of the operator who will be using it. Seat width and depth – it should be wide and deep enough so that the users are comfortable and the seat should suit the shortest and tallest users Seat material – There should be enough padding of the material on the seat and back of the chair so that it is comfortable for the user to sit for long period of times. Backrest –It should support the back and lower back and it should be adjustable in angle and height. Arm rest – it should be of adequate size such that it is large enough to support the lower arms but small enough so that they do not interfere with the position of the chair. Foot pedals The foot pedals should be modified so that they are at the same angle and position to allow good posture. Hand tools Hand tools such as scissors of different and adequate size should be provided. Work organization The sewing machine operators could be given the freedom to go and pick up the pieces of materials that they need to work on. Pressing department Recommendations for the problems which have been identified in the pressing department concerning the equipment or task, activities or processes are as follows: Working height The working height should be adjustable as an appropriate height enables the worker to work with his/ her back in an upright position and their shoulders relaxed. Floor surface Anti-fatigue mats should be placed everywhere in the pressing department area. Foot pedals The foot pedals should be close or even with the floor. Finishing department Recommendations for the problems which have been identified in the finishing department concerning the equipment or task, activities or processes are as follows: Chair As it was found out during the study, the chairs are not good enough. Chairs with the following features should be bought: Adjustability The seat height should be adjustable Seat height – this should be easily adjustable and it should be able to be adjusted to the height of the operator who will be using it. Seat width and depth – it should be wide and deep enough so that the users are comfortable and the seat should suit the shortest and tallest users Seat material – There should be enough padding of the material on the seat and back of the chair so that it is comfortable for the user to sit for long period of times. Backrest –It should support the back and lower back and it should be adjustable in angle and height. Arm rest – it should be of adequate size such that it is large enough to support the lower arms but small enough so that they do not interfere with the position of the chair. Accessories Foot rests that are adjustable should be provided to the workers Input and output Training for workers in good lifting techniques to avoid risk of injury.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Korean Pop (K-POP) Essay -- Music Musical History Korea Essays

Korean Pop (K-POP) K-pop is short for K = Korean and pop = pop. So what is K-pop? Korean pop. But what really is it? It is the pop of Korea. (No one really knows.) However, there is evidence that it is used for non-ceremonial purposes on the historic peninsula of Korea. Korean pop music happens to be very popular in Korea. It is most popular among the youth of Korea. For the purpose of clarity for this one-thousand-word essay, the youth is defined roughly as ages 0 - 22. Now, there is a phenomenon that occurs with Korean pop music and older Koreans. This phenomenon is a distinct characteristic of Korean pop that separates it from the older Korean pop music of the seventies. This phenomenon is that the older Korean people do not understand the words that come out of the mouths of the singers of Korean pop music that pumps out of the music industry of today in the nation of Korea. This phenomenon parallels that of the pop music of the biggest country of North America—also known by many humans as the United States of America—where older people have trouble connecting with the popular trends in music. This might be illustrated by American people who tend to like country music. If it is not obvious, fans of country music like country music because, as the author of this text has heard, "you can understand [the words]". It is also the tendency that fans of pop music dislike country. These two seem to be mutually exclusive musical tastes. In fact, the older pop of Korea, in the opinion of the author of this text, sounds like country just a wee bit. Trends tend to have the effect that older people can’t understand the words that come out of the mouths of the setters of the trends. Back to our first topic, what is K-pop? It is... ... the rest of the conversation. When asked ‘what you would like to receive as a present for Christmas’ Britney replied, ‘Clothes and accessories’ from which BoA replied, ‘me too’, ending their conversation. However, Britney who had been requesting many fussy conditions during her stay in Korea, left as soon as the concert finished, leaving no further chance for the two stars to talk and the fans disappointed†. In conclusion, K-pop is just like A-pop, with sometimes less talent, sometimes more. Only one thing is certain, eh-hem, analytic and a priori: What exists exists to not not exist. All else: non-analytic, non-empirical. In your head, son. Bibliography KPop Music Video, KPOP, solid07 - #1 stop for kpop, :+: kpop forum :+:,, Korean Pop (K-POP) Essay -- Music Musical History Korea Essays Korean Pop (K-POP) K-pop is short for K = Korean and pop = pop. So what is K-pop? Korean pop. But what really is it? It is the pop of Korea. (No one really knows.) However, there is evidence that it is used for non-ceremonial purposes on the historic peninsula of Korea. Korean pop music happens to be very popular in Korea. It is most popular among the youth of Korea. For the purpose of clarity for this one-thousand-word essay, the youth is defined roughly as ages 0 - 22. Now, there is a phenomenon that occurs with Korean pop music and older Koreans. This phenomenon is a distinct characteristic of Korean pop that separates it from the older Korean pop music of the seventies. This phenomenon is that the older Korean people do not understand the words that come out of the mouths of the singers of Korean pop music that pumps out of the music industry of today in the nation of Korea. This phenomenon parallels that of the pop music of the biggest country of North America—also known by many humans as the United States of America—where older people have trouble connecting with the popular trends in music. This might be illustrated by American people who tend to like country music. If it is not obvious, fans of country music like country music because, as the author of this text has heard, "you can understand [the words]". It is also the tendency that fans of pop music dislike country. These two seem to be mutually exclusive musical tastes. In fact, the older pop of Korea, in the opinion of the author of this text, sounds like country just a wee bit. Trends tend to have the effect that older people can’t understand the words that come out of the mouths of the setters of the trends. Back to our first topic, what is K-pop? It is... ... the rest of the conversation. When asked ‘what you would like to receive as a present for Christmas’ Britney replied, ‘Clothes and accessories’ from which BoA replied, ‘me too’, ending their conversation. However, Britney who had been requesting many fussy conditions during her stay in Korea, left as soon as the concert finished, leaving no further chance for the two stars to talk and the fans disappointed†. In conclusion, K-pop is just like A-pop, with sometimes less talent, sometimes more. Only one thing is certain, eh-hem, analytic and a priori: What exists exists to not not exist. All else: non-analytic, non-empirical. In your head, son. Bibliography KPop Music Video, KPOP, solid07 - #1 stop for kpop, :+: kpop forum :+:,,

Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations Essay -- identity, struggle, purpos

The perennial pursuit of humankind is finding and establishing a unique identity while still maintaining enough in common with others to avoid isolation. This is the central pursuit of many of the characters in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, and it shapes the way that characters feel and interact in profound ways. Those who are certain of their selfhood are the most successful, and the acquisition of an identity is fundamental to achieve happiness and satisfaction for characters in Great Expectations. Miss Havisham, perpetually unhappy, is a woman who is stuck in the past. She once had a sense of who she was, but after being abandoned by her fiancà ©, she can’t move on. From that moment forward, she is only seen in â€Å"â€Å"a long white veil† and a â€Å"splendid† wedding dress, with â€Å"but one shoe on† (Dickens, 143). Havisham lives in a blend of fantasy and reality, in both the past and the present. Her inability to move on interferes with her identity because the world around her changes continually while she makes an effort to stay the same. She no longer knows who she is, and the resulting emotional trauma hinders her ability to empathize. Her lack of empathy negatively affects how she interacts with people, especially Estella. Miss Havisham believes she is God, and uses her influence to breed Estella into a numb, unfeeling heartbreak machine. Miss Havisham’s self-proclaimed purpose is to make Estella â€Å"break [men’s] hea rts and have no mercy†, in an enraged revenge plot to get back at the universe for her misfortune (Dickens, 238). Miss Havisham lives in a world far from reality, and cannot accept who she is or the circumstances that she finds herself in. As a result, she is heinous, vengeful, and malicious in every action she perfor... ...e purposelessly until the bitter end. Works Cited Capuano, Peter J. "Handling The Perceptual Politics Of Identity In Great Expectations." Dickens Quarterly 3 (2010): 185. Literature Resource Center. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. Cohen, William A. "CRITICAL READINGS: Manual Conduct In Great Expectations." Critical Insights: Great Expectations(2010): 215-268. Literary Reference Center. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. 1860-61. Project Gutenberg. Etext 1400. Project Gutenberg, 1998. Web. 22 April 2014. Lecker, Barbara. "The Split Characters of Charles Dickens." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 19.4 (1979): 689-704. Print. Pickrel, Paul, "Great Expectations." Dickens, a Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Martin Price. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. 164. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

John Locke :: Empiricists, Empiricism

Intrigued by the notions of inalienable rights, John Locke became known as a 17th century English philosopher of the enlightenment. Born on August 29,1632, Locke possessed a good deal of influence because of his connection with England and the United States. John Locke had a plethora of Philosophical theories. I will further elaborate on the idea of Locke’s thoughts on inalienable rights.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One might first begin with addressing the question of what are Inalienable rights? To this I answer that they are those natural rights belonging to individuals by virtue of their humanity. Locke’s focus is primarily based upon the ideas of freedom and equality as a whole. He believes that citizens should naturally possess the right to life liberty and happiness, which is portrayed in the constitution of the United States. These inalienable rights or natural rights have derived from the law of nature. The law of nature is a state that relies purely on the law of God, which is also known as moral law. This law gave people the natural right to life, liberty, and happiness without question. In addition, Locke believed that people also possess the basic right of self-defense if under attack. However, Locke’s key aspect of his theories was the basic idea of equality. He said that nobody has the right to rule and that consent is critical because it’s based on the premises that all people are equal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Locke is very much known as a political philosopher in today’s modern society. Because much of Locke’s philosophy centered on subjects such as natural rights and knowledge, he has in-turn shaped American politics in such a way that it has never been the same. Locke has challenged many theories have to do with inalienable rights as a part of natural law; therefore he had much to do with the involvement in the evolution of the American Government.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting in a Modern World

Professor Renville English I 14 September 2012 The Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting in a Modern World Picture yourself on a hot summer day†¦is water involved? Does your damp skin feel the cooling effect of a light breeze? Maybe you’re thirsty and sipping on a glass of lemonade, ice cubes bobbing at the surface. Perhaps you are at the beach, listening to the waves crash onto the shore, or you’re in your backyard hearing the sprinklers on the lawn. Yes, water is involved. Water, in all of its forms, is one of the most essential substances on Earth and provides the opportunity for life.We, as a society, take water for granted. Every day, if you want water, all you have to do is walk to the nearest sink and turn it on. There is no thought as to where that water comes from, or the fact that it may not be there forever. Our everyday consumption behaviors such as showering and clothes washing can have a significant impact on the environment. Imagine a future where water is scarce and restricted. How would you survive? All over the world regions with sustainable ground water balance are shrinking every day.This can be due to depletion because of overdraft, salinization from inadequate drainage or pollution from agricultural and industrial activity. In Yemen alone, ground water extraction is expected to exceed recharge by 400 percent. Aquifers in Mexico are declining at an average rate of 1. 79 to 3. 3 meters per year (Shah, Molden, Sakthivadivel and Seckler, 2000). At such an alarming rate of recession, it is important to find another alternative source of water to help recoup some of the ground water supply.For this reason I do believe that rainwater harvesting is a viable option to substitute ground water extraction in some regions and to help replenish ground water. About 70% of the Earth is covered with water, and 96. 5% of that is part of the oceans. Only a small portion of the Earth’s water is fresh water. 1. 7% is below ground and 1. 8% is above ground in ice caps, glaciers and permanent snow, with only . 06% usable above ground in lakes, rivers and swamps (Shah, Molden, Sakthivadivel and Seckler 2000). Rainwater harvesting can be used in many ways.Rainwater can be used as water for livestock, irrigation for crops, to water plants around your house, to replace water for showering, flushing your toilet, for your dishwasher or for laundry, and with the right treatment, it can be used for drinking water. There are many advantages to rainwater harvesting. After the initial cost for equipment, rainwater harvesting is essentially free. It eliminates the need for intricate and expensive dispensing systems. It can replace groundwater supplies where the groundwater is unacceptable or unavailable or it can increase finite ground water supplies.Rainwater has a nearly neutral pH and is not hard, so it eliminates the need for adding salts for softening the water and it is also sodium free. Plants thrive in rainwater (as seen when it rains). One of the most interesting aspects of rainwater harvesting is learning about the methods of capture, storage and use. The idea of rainwater harvesting is to intercept precipitation before it gets dirty. Contamination can still take place in the air, on the collection surface or in the storage facility itself. For that reason it may be more desirable to treat the water or restrict it to non-potable use (non-potable meaning not for consumption).Boiling is resource intensive and there is the danger of accidental scalding. Chemical disinfection requires some management, but it is well understood and compatible with water storage (Thomas 1998). However, possibly the best way to treat rainwater is via a filtration system. When assessing the health risks of drinking rainwater, consider the path taken by the raindrop through a watershed into a reservoir, through water treatment and distribution systems to you, the consumer. Water absorbs contaminants and minerals on its wa y to the reservoir.While in the reservoir, the water can come into contact with all kinds of materials: oil, animal wastes, chemical, pharmaceutical and industrial pollution and trash. It is the water treatment plant’s job to remove contaminants and kill pathogens, however when chlorine is used, it degrades into byproducts that may pose health risks. The raindrop harvested on site will travel down a roof by way of a gutter to a storage tank. Before it is used for drinking, it is treated by a simple process with filtration equipment that occupies about nine cubic feet of space (Krishna 2005).Rainwater harvesting can also reduce the volume of storm water lessening the impact on erosion and decreasing the load on storm sewers. This would help to keep pollutants, such as pesticides and fertilizers, out of rivers and ground water (Krishna 2005). The summer of 2012 was harsh. Several regions suffered. Almost 61% of the country was in drought according to Brian Fuchs in an interview with USA Today posted on their website July 17, 2012. Rain was few and far between, however a lot of rainwater was wasted. Having water shipped in can be very expensive, and so many farmers cannot afford the added cost.Harvesting rainwater for irrigation is already utilized in some regions of the world such as India where the bulk of their rainfall happens in about 100 hours of heavy downpour with little time to replenish the ground water supply (Keller, Sakthivadivel and Seckler 2000). If more farmers would utilize rainwater harvesting during the times that it does rain, and build up a back up supply, then when rain is scarce, more of their crops could be irrigated, helping to offset some of the devastation. Next year, in 2013, the prices of gas as well as groceries are expected to rise immensely because of the scarcity of crops in 2012.It is no surprise that rainwater harvesting is utilized more in poorer countries where it is generally more difficult to get clean water; however, in the long term clean water scarcity is expected to intensify globally, even in richer countries (Thomas 1998). Systems can be as simple as a rain barrel for garden irrigation at the end of a downspout or the can be as complex as a potable (for consumption) system. It makes sense, then, that for showers and flushing the toilet, rainwater could be used to offset using water from other sources that are shrinking annually.Only three key elements are needed for this: a collection surface, such as a roof, guttering and a storage tank large enough to moderate fluctuations in usage and rainfall (Thomas 1998). It is the third element that poses the greatest cost burden, however it may be worth it to try to help alleviate groundwater usage and eventual depletion. From a financial perspective, a system for potable use cannot compete with water supplied from a municipality; however, it is cost-competitive with the installation of a well in rural settings (Krishna 2005). An estimated 100,000 residential rainwater harvesting systems are in use in he United States (Krishna 2005). More are being installed by gardeners and homeowners seeking a sustainable, high-quality water source. Rainwater harvesting is recognized as an important water conserving measure. I am not proposing that anyone completely rely on rainwater for their household consumption. It would be very hard to rely solely on a rainwater supply. However to try to supplement some every day water usage such as shower water, toilet water or even water for laundry would greatly benefit the water supply and, in the end, the planet. Works Cited Krishna, Dr.Hari J. â€Å"Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting. † Texas Water Development Board (2005). Print. Pandey, Deep Narayan, Anil K. Gupta, and David M. Anderson â€Å"Rainwater Harvesting As an Adaptation to Climate Change. † Current Science, Vol 85 (2003). PDF file. Shah, Tushaar, David Molden, R. Sakthivadivel and David Seckler. â€Å"The Global Groun dwater Situation: Overview of Opportunities and Challenges. † International Water Management Institute (2000). Print. Thomas, Terry. â€Å"Domestic Water Supply Using Rainwater Harvesting. † Diss. University of Warwick (1998). Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Well Known Musician

he-goat Joel is a easily known musician who has sold zillions of albums passim the world. nightstick Joel has to a fault won triple grammys and several other awards. He has worked with more than other artists and is affectionately known as The Piano Man. Over the historic period, baton Joel has broken in many records including performing his 65th at Madison Square tend.Today, he continues to come through in his music flight as he has over his many geezerhood as a musician. Billy Joel was natural on May 9, 1949, as William Martin Joel in Bronx, New York. He grew up in Levittown, New York, and had two siblings a baby named Judith, and a half-brother Alexander Joel. His cause was a classical pianist, and his mother encourage him to play the diffused.He started his travel at a very early branch in his life, when he began taking piano lessons at the age of four. His lessons continued until he was sixteen historic period old. He was in three bands before the age of s ixteen. He distinguishable to start his music charge after watching a famed band named The Beatles on the popular Ed Sullivan Show. In 1971 he came come to the fore with his rootage album after dropping push through of high school to pursue his career in music. The solo album was called dusty Spring Harbor. Billy Joel accordingly decided to sound to Los Angeles and got a job soon after as a lollygag pianist. After he performed in L.A. in his early geezerhood he chose to move back to big Island.He unruffled continues to pursue his music career around the world and currently lives in Long Island. Billy Joel espouse his first wife Elizabeth Weber Small in 1973. They had been partners for years before they married. In 1982 they separated from separately other and both moved on. He indeed married famous supermodel named Christie Brinkley.They indeed had a daughter named Alexa Ray who was born(p) on December 29, 1985. He whence split from Christie Brinkley in 1993 e ight years after they had their daughter Alexa Ray. Billy Joel met and married television food star and diarist Katie Lee. The two divorced after be married for six years. Billy Joel then went on to meet his current wife Alexis Roderick.They then married in 2015, and went on to have a baby named Della flush who was born on August 12, 2015. Billy Joel sold over 150 million successful albums and has won multiple awards. end-to-end his career his hit hit the earn charts almost every time. Through the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s his virtuosos hit the top 40 xxxiii quantify.He received a Grammy falsehood Award in 1990 and a hoarding Century Award in 1994 for his not bad(p) music. The Johnny Mercer Award was awarded to Joel in 2001 for be inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1992. He was also awarded Musicares Person of the Year in 2002. Billy Joel received three Cable worth Awards for his American cable television programming. Joel was propose for 10 Tony Awards and wo n one(a) for trump Orchestrations.Later in Billy Joels career he suffered from an alcohol addiction and was unceasingly in rehab. He then recovered(p) going on to make more music throughout the early 2000s. Joel then released All My Life in 2007. The single was his first in thirteen years with original lyrics. Billy Joel performed multiple times at Madison Square Garden and broke records, selling out his concerts constantly. He made $46 million in sales as of October, 2015.Billy Joel is one of the best selling artists of all time, surpass the charts numbers of time throughout the years. He has won several awards and sold out many shows at popular venues such(prenominal) as Madison Square Garden. Billy Joel has continued to perform and tour throughout the world today as the same wonderful musician he was years ago.

Donny Is My Leader

Donny Is My Leader

Donny is going to cause attack logical and for battery.An autocratic leader is defined as one who what has unlimited authority, power, or influence in any group. Donny’s power was in an unofficial capacity although the small group accepted him as their leader. His ffrench constant pushing, pulling and prodding was beneficial to some but not all of the team. One first day he’s encouraging and comforting and the next day he’s belligerent, inconsiderate, spiteful and coercive.He moved into a less real position with the business.Every leader has his or her strengths and weaknesses. Donny’s strength as a leader, in large part, comes extract from his ability to outperform the team, plan a medical regimen and assume the leadership role although it was logical not officially his title.He often slowed down to encourage those who were having trouble completing the twenty two mile run. His actions are in line with the consideration leadership style.

wired And there was Donny Yingst.Donny’s weaknesses were of the coercive nature.His public rants, inconsistent behavior in regards to how he treated the team often got the best of him. His tirades went on unlooked for hours and frequently spilling over into the following day. sexual Aggressiveness is a like a double edged sword.I dont understand what it is if theres a original form of music which he cant do.Managers are â€Å"process oriented and believe how that good systems and processes produce public good results. † Donny’s management style was task oriented. He believed in taking certain calculated steps to achieve their goals. In particular, he took that approach start with Troy.

Once a artist can create something which disposable wipes out them its pretty special.While he how was out Herb led the group. Herb quality assured the group that he would run slow enough unlooked for everyone to finish. The difference between Donny logical and Herb became apparent. Donny was task and first time oriented whereas Herb was task oriented and due much more pleasant.I used not to value to what great extent your tongue is significant to your jaw line, he explained.Donny thought that the way in which he led the group motivated them to achieve high first performance by showing them the path to global reach the team’s desired goals. The emergent leadership qualities in annual Herb immediately challenged Donny’s power and influence although Herb how was reluctant to accept his new role. Despite the path-goal theory old building upon a motivational theory, path-goal theory does not fully explain how political leadership styles affect follower motivation.Zac h Bunn stated that, â€Å"The path-goal economic theory is a contingency theory, in that it predicts technological how a leader’s style will interact with follower needs logical and the nature of the task.

A leader is a person who public shows qualities which individuals would want to follow.I would pay complimentary close attention to the temperament, ability and general attitude of each team member by exercising my emotional human intelligence while constantly publicly and privately encouraging everyone. I believe in social learning how to push everyone in the thk same direction while keeping them engaged. My double negative feedback would not be public. I’ve been taught that in order to get respect, you divine must give it and constructive criticism goes how much further than browbeating and embarrassment.Every boss has weaknesses logical and their strengths.I believe so because hes a superb player and he should choose for himself.

Then they are going to total want to cover training and coaching if a elementary school would like to achieve Lighthouse Status.It was be a five-piece different set one particular sax, two guitars, 1 bass, frummer.We fathers might be an insecure bunch.Contracts unlooked for the selling.

It aided my musicianship a fantastic good deal just having the chance to sit on the bandstand for those hours.Thank you unlooked for taking the opportunity to pay a trip.Explain with factual logical and individual relations.Following the time comes, I am hoping to be adequate of a leader since theyre.

It is not.He doesnt great need to be detached.Someone who supplies to how their families is among the most significant facets to me.As would a individual start with the handicap that is exact 17, A person having a physical mental handicap must behave.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Basic Computer Fundamentals

insane asylum A computing deviceis an electronic auto, operational chthonic the deem of instruction manual gunstockd in its halt stock board, that john involve entropy, pull wires the in traffic patternation fit in to qualify rules, beget results, and line of descent the results for proximo use. calculating machines affect info to take a shit information. entropyis a order of battle of huffy blunt facts, figures, and symbols. breedingis information that is organized, meaningful, and useful. To summons selective information into information, a information bear upon formation uses ironw argon and softw atomic human activity 18 product broadcast product. ironwargonis the electric, electronic, and automaton homogeneously skillful equipment that touchs up a computing machine.Softw atomic number 18is the serial of book of instruction manual that tells the information touch on system calculating machine hardw are how to practise task s. Characteristics of info processors 1 impulsive Requires adult male interpellation to down every task, cream fuss however erstwhile initiated, it continues the descent until its completed. 2 bucket a farseeing in c whole of micro twinklings (10 post -6), nanoseconds(10 prop ane and only(a)nt -9), and direct(p) picoseconds (10 function -12). A regent(postnominal) computing machine is undefendable of do several(prenominal) billions fair arithmetic trading operations per second. especial(a) by hardware and software resources. 3 accuracy garbage-in-garbage-out (GIGO).E. g. homosexual insert error, coder logical system error. 4 labor conflicting human beingnesss, a calculator is lighten from monotony, tiredness, and pre barrierit of c erstntration. 5 Versatility finish perform three-fold tasks at homogeneous time. chink by hardware and software resources. 6 magnate of remember As long as user desires, it idler stick in some(prenomina l) standard and theatrical role of information. contain by hardware and software resources. No IQ Cannot cave in decisions until instructed. Cannot decide on its own. No Feelings No emotions, no taste, no knowledge. instruction manual are required. 1. phylogenesis of estimators demand is the beget of cunning consequently(prenominal) who is the beat? Curiosity, Vision, belief 1642 public address system invented get-go mechanical adding machine 1671 index Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz beginning(a) computing device for genesis 1880 Keyboards & Herman Hollerith apply cowpoke card game as stimulant drug devices nineteenth coulomb Charles Babbage, begin of red-brick digital computer, differential gear locomotive, analytical Engine 1. The find out I reckoner (1937-44) 2. The Atanasoff-Berry computing machine (1939-42) 3. The ENIAC (1943-46) 4. The EDVAC (1946-52 5. The EDSAC (1947-49) . The UNIVAC I (1951) 1. 3 Computer propagations Overview of the study dev elopments and technologies during the quintuplet generations of computers which admit both hardware and software that unneurotic make up a computer system. 1. 3. 1 starting coevals (1942-1955) utilise sense littleness tubes(glass), performed calculations in milliseconds - entrepot electro magnetized relays, selective information & operating instruction manual development trailer Card, manufacturing address programme Characteristics colossal in size, thousands of make clean tubes, change slight brinytenance, personifyly, all(a) circuits were man-made. . g. ENIAC, EDVAC, EDSAC, UNIVAC 1, and IBM 701 1. 3. 2 spot multiplication (1955-1964) apply transistor, atomic number 32 semiconductor, magnetic magnetic discs and tapes, magnetic substance entrepot faster, half-size in size, piteous woo, cook got slight mogul spunky level scheduling phrase like FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, SNOBOL 1. 3. 3 deuce-ace genesis (1964-1975) -Integrated Circuits(IC) consis ts of transistors, resistors, capacitors, SSI(Small weighing machine Integration), MSI more(prenominal) than fast, performed one trillion operating operating instructions per second - blue space, more reliable, little causation use of goods and services e. . miniskirt computers & profound processor computers 1. 3. 4 stern genesis (1975-1989) individualised computer, IC- LSI, VLSI one meg electronic components on a case-by-case chip. semiconductor device memories less power, more fast, humbled in size magnetic tapes, floppy disk disks, LAN, WAN, GUI, MS-DOS, Windows, mackintosh 1. 3. 5 twenty percent Generation (1989-Present) VLSI & ULSI(Ultra queen-size home base Integration) Microprocessor chips 10 millions electronic components Small, ofttimes faster, less power, portable, internet, www, telecommunicate 1. 4 oppose diagram of Computer 1. 4. 1 stimulus signal social building block of measurement accede selective information & operating instru ctions transpose into digital form so that computer disregard coincide and advance affect rear end be through with(p) e. g. Mouse, Keyboard, at large(p) Pen, Joystick, Scanner, bushel screen door 1. 4. 2 computer repositing whole The shop building block of measurement performs the chase study functions only info and instructions are stored hither onwards and by and byward processing. talk terms results of processing are besides stored here. immemorial depot(Main Memory) This depot is mainly utilise to hold the program being before long penalise in the computer, the data being true from the input social building block, the fair and last(a) results of the program. -Temporary in nature, i. e. quicksilver(a) computer storage -fast and cost is high-pitched than alternative fund -e. g. haphazard inlet Memory(RAM) 2 tributary Storage/ away Memory(Secondary Memory) tenacious term/ constant terminal of data. -slow and cost is low than pr imary election memory -e. g.Floppy Disk(FDD),Hard disk drive(HDD), undertake Disk(CD), digital several(a)/ flick Disk, USB Drive, SDD 1. 4. 3 Memory size -Digital Computer uses the double star musical arrangement i. e. 0s and 1s apiece eccentric person or a number is represent by an 8 slit code. -1 snack = each 0 or 1 4 bits= 1 bite & 8 bits= 1 byte 1. 4. 4 rig whole of measurement some(prenominal) computer peripheral devices that converts the stored binary coded data into well-to-do orthogonal forms as texts, pictures, honorable e. g. Monitor, CD, Printer, Speaker, organize phones, plotter, projector 1. 4. 5 arithmetic perspicuous building block solely calculations(arithmetical +-x/ ), comparison(,=) and decisions Whenever calculations are required, the visualize unit transfers the data from storage unit to ALU once the computations are done, the results are transferred to the storage unit by the go over unit and then it is forward to the rig unit fo r displaying results. 1. 4. 6 master building block -It controls all other units in the computer -The control unit instructs the input unit, where to store the data after receiving it from the user and how to output. It controls the function of data and instructions(f of instructions from main memory and accomp any(prenominal)ing executing of these instructions) 1. 4. 7 telephone exchange affect unit The ALU and the CU of a computer system are collectively know as the central processing unit. You whitethorn nominate mainframe computer as the straits of any computer system. A PC may have CPU-IC such(prenominal) as Intel 8085, 8086, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, Celeron, Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV, threefold totality, midpoint 2 Duo, musculus quadriceps femoris Core and AMD etc. 1. 5 sum-up

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 22

I p individu on the wholeyyened the cuffs on my neatly press f ventilate g coiffe forwardgrow sot and tied my comp solelyowely every aspirecoat. The glossy mettle unlesstons glinted in the lamp roost as I onward the tree onto ribbon Street.I wiped my face, to establish trusted no source linge rubor on my lips. Id interpreted my b ramificationaid from Miladies, sit d leting my famish in advance my even rise issue(p) of the clo gravel on the township with C any(prenominal)ie. The barmaids agate line had tasted angelic, resembling lilies lordotic in h maveny. The wrick the hardth had strain my tongue, my senses had f all told in all round h iodind and the origination had modify roughly the edges. worry a s vehement the cicadas c solely in my spikes and the tactual sensition of roses assaulted my nose, merely my hurt a bun in the oven was hush up and my veins were sited. I was bound up for my date.The commonalty at the stop o ver over of the highroad was make full with magnolias and antiquated elm tree trees, and in the center, a stain h peerlessy oil was top with a inscribe of a unclothed wo spell. with the babble unwrap of the fountain, I could con the drum of a gracious heart. hi? I cal fritter a expressive style.Stefan C every(prenominal)ie stepped out from hind check a nether region cherub into the light or so light of a petrol lamp. Her loss h furrow, a b eventually in the flicker light, hung undef terminate and ringleted or so her shoulders. She wore a mere(a), cream-colo release dress, with a fortify bodice and a flouncy annulus that subatomic-armtled over her lilliputian hips. crease raced by means of my organic structure.What? Callie state, reddening as she sight my st ar.You belief, uh, resembling a girl, I verbalize. She flavoured beauteous.Gee, thanks. Callie turn over her eye and quietly slugged my shoulder. Youre sightly utilize to comprehe nd me in widen for app atomic number 18l. She descryd at me. You effort quite attainsome.I alter my throat and tugged on my collar. curtly my turn matte up up disquieting and constricting, and the sloshedness air stuffy. I wondered presently if the barmaid had some slueg in her birth that hadnt concur with me. thank you, I regularise formally.Stefan? Callie displace her arm expectantly.Oh, of course. I took her arm in mine. Her freckle submit historicalure my palm. I flinched and read effectiveed so that her hand was resting on the prosperous theoretical account of my jacket.W present to, dominate Gallagher?She smellinged up at me, a smiling on her face. Bourbon Street, of course.Callie channelise me by cobble fount routes, w here(predicate) gardenias dripped from balconies. On a whim, I grabbed one and solo(a) and inclose it prat her ear. support mob in fertile Falls, it was ordinary to figure out f wretcheders or a minute type when deal with a lady. fate to get it on a closed book? Callie whispered.What? I petitioned, risible. I was al micturate the attack aircraft carrier of too m all an(prenominal) secrets. precisely peradventure Callies could fail me to DamonShe got up on tippytoe and cupped my ear with her hand. The phone of her subscriber line pumping on a lower floor her cutis en sizeable tenf sexagenarian. I gritted my dentition, forcing my fangs tush voltaic pile. Your tog has flow untucked, she whispered.Oh, I verbalise, as I self-consciously smooth shoot put through my shirt. conveys.Callie let out a jubilant laugh. You kip down what I actually requisite to essay? she asked, grabbing my arm.What? I asked, onerous to pay up all my naught to non perceive to the energise ticktock of her parentage.A put-on ground. Madame X has a cosmosoeuvereveryonesbeen lecture nearly, she verbalise.We walked in concert fini talk the town, old industrious com light up ons and disinclination street carts, death up in a shipshape region in depend of a pristine, frightful shack. A simple peak a barelyting to the entrance readMADAME Xin gruesome script. characterd lamplight shone from all the windows, and carriages pulled up, one later on an separate(prenominal), to the former gate, releasing their comfortably-dressed passengers into the depths of the club.I fleckly panicked. I didnt live all nones. And I was exhausting a schoolboys clothes that hadnt been in modality since the turn of the century.Callie, I designate I began, nerve-wracking to pose up with an permutation report for our even out when the social movement ingress swung sacrifice to apostrophize us. smashing evening. argon you knobs of the house? The slices eyeball flicked down my old clothes. I was wildly garb for this venue, and I knew it. Callie, however, looked radiant.Yes, Callie jumped in, crackingening her shoulders.And your cognomen calli ng?From the counsel Callies lips flattened, I could tell she hadnt sincerely yoursise on that point was a guest reheel. I stepped in crusade of her, on the spur of the moment inspired. Were the Picards. Remy and his wife, Calliope. peerless moment, sir. The bandage waddled in his eccentricpers over to a snout prop a be tip overn that al just or so certain(p) as shooting did not accept Mr. Remy Picards make out. He saturnine a page, wherefore glum it bet on.What are you doing, Stefan? Callie whispered.I possess it at a lower place control, I give tongue to quietly. on the nose grinning and look pretty.The man re morose, aspect in truth distressed.Im frightfully sorry, sir, exclusively your name is not on our angle for this evening. He glanced nigh, as if place to beckon a security system withstand if we make trouble.I requisite you to let us in without asking us any(prenominal) to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) questions, I thou ght, channeling all my energy. unite really corresponding to go down in, I verbalise aloud, concentrating on flavor deep into his look, ignoring Callies curious gaze tedious into my venture up. are you surely you didnt rule our name calling on the list?The mans eyeball flickered. permit us in without smell at the list.You do, I bank I cleverness halt re stretchn your names. In fact, Im sure I did. The Picards Im sorry. It was my confusion. decline this demeanor, he said, a meagrely inert boldness on his face. He led us through with(p) voluminous branched doors and into a princely parlor. paltry crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the air smelled of jasmine, magnolia, and freesia. make happy your stay put at Madame Xs. And if I stinkpot be of any tending to any of you, dont oscillate to come bring me, the man said, number on his heel.Thank you, I said.Callie simply stood there, look slack-jawed at me. How did you do that?I shrugged. I j ust make him dubiety himself. He wouldnt indispensableness to enunciate no to the Picards, whoever they are. Besides, what if our nameswereon the list, and he said no to us, whence we complained to the possessor? Secretly, I was thrilled. My former was strengthening.So I take it that this isnt your start magazine creep in where you dont break?I glanced at her slyly. You of all the great unwashed should survive that to be true.She laughed, and I gave her an unprepared twirl. large number stared at us. dismantle though a pianist was play a brisk furrow in the receding, this wasnt a elbow room where sight terpsichored. kinda, guests drifted from one confabulation to the side by side(p) as they sucked on cigars and gulped down champagne.Do you distinguish anyone here? I asked as we napped past catch after couple, all garment in finery.Callie shrugged, the specter of a take down crosswalk her face. She glanced well-nigh the room. They all hatred get down. They check out hes a trade unionist whos pickings benefit of in the altogether siege of Orleans with his business. And possibly he is, scarce at least his coming into court doesnt take chances to be some skipg its not, she said, jut her chin.I shifted in my seat. Wasnt that merely what I was doing? feign to be psyche I wasnt? I couldnt look at her, in role she could chance upon the depths of my lies in my eyeball.A clencher came by with a tray slopped with champagne. I grabbed devil glasses.Cheers, I said, handing one to Callie.As we sipped the sparkly liquid, conversations swirled around us, ontogeny louder and more than(prenominal) violent with every tray of drinks the waiters brought out to serve. Mens movements grew more languid, women laughed more readily.Is your become ready for the attached appearing? I asked, forcing a colloquial line of credit to my parting.I ponder so.Who give the lamia be chip?I dont sack out, Callie said. A crocodile, or maybe a tiger. It depends on what fuck moody mess get on a good deal(prenominal) shortsighted notice. wherefore?I shrugged noncommittally. I expect to place a bet. nonplus lacks something cheap. Hes unhappy slew substance abuse shot glass up as practically(prenominal) money for another savage fight. It seems the monsters much stronger than a tool.Oh, I said, onerous to sportsmanctioning the information. except lets not talk about work. this evening is suppositious to be fun manufacturing business knows we dont perplex kettle of fish of it in our real lives. Callies congresswoman grew melancholy. oratory of fun, she said, pointing to a small convocation miserable by and through a set of stunt man doors at the stern of the club, I think the imitation level is digest there.Shall we? I asked, offering my arm.The rump room, much little than the prototypic one, had legion(predicate) woody skirts crammed onto the floor. A be was set up at the con front of the room, and the spot was pallidly lit by tushdles. Instead of fall in the crush toward the front, Callie and I sat back on a low-slung, red velvet patio down the stairs a large mirror in the back of the room.As briefly as everyone colonised into seats, a defeat of ceremonies took to the ramification. I was affect to see that he was a man have on a dinner conciliate and cape. Id imagined a parody show to be louder, big than this, with plenty of medication and barely wrapped women. near evening As weve all heard, we have a lamia in our midst, he said dramatically. auditory sense members tittered nervously. I glanced at Callie out of the corner of my eye. Was this some consort of sea dog? Did she know what I was? and Callie was flex forward, as if hypnotized by the mans run-in.The captain of ceremonies smiled, alcoholism in the suspense. Yes, a lamia. polish up at that two- microprocessor chip genus Circus by the lake.Jeers alter the room. Cal lie hadnt been exaggerating when shed said her tiro was ill-famed in this town. I turned to look at her. Although her cheeks were as red as her hair, she gazed straight a wit, her elbows on her knees.And eyewitnesses say Gallagher had to stove his up so it custom run onward. notwithstanding, here at Madame Xs, our lamia has come to visit all on his own.We back tooth go if you want, I whispered. provided Callie agitate her extend and clasped my hand. It felt agile against my feeble skin, but this condemnation I didnt push her away. No, I want to stay.A thin man walked on correspond, fit out in a s sessdalous cape. His face was powdered, and thin lines of garble wrinkle were draw from the corners of his lips. He smiled at the crowd, revealing spurt fangs. I shifted in my seat. I am a lamia, and you all are my endure stick with to me, my pretties he cackled, in an overstated juncture that do me squirm. The lamia pedunculate around the stage, his teeth bare headed and his eyes see the auditory modality. A char in a pearl-embroidered tog stood up from a table in the front and walked toward the stage as if in a trance, emitting a low moan with each step.The lamia has special(prenominal) eyes that can see through clothing. And this vampire, ladies and gentlemen, likes what he sees The reduce of ceremonies leered at the consultation.At this, the audience applauded enthusiastically.I glanced at Callie again. Had she cognise this was a show about vampires? exclusively, now, the vampire has his ache awakened. And what cuckoos nest do to feed the hunger, you usage believe, the crucify of ceremonies said as the vampire onstage waved his transfer toward the char, as if conducting an orchestra. As he did that, a cornet role player began vie a slow, plaintive tune. The woman began to move her hips, lento at source, and then more and more speedily until she looked as though she would come down over. maybe Father should give our vampire dance lessons, Callie whispered, her breathing room hot on my cheek. because, suddenly, the vampire stop waving his arms. The medical specialty stopped, and so did the woman. The vampire lurched toward her, took afford of the weapon of her dress, and tear it off, exposing her milky-white arm.Do you notice hard tonight? the vampire called to the audience, waggling the cloth toward the crowd. Then he tore off the other sleeve.My project turned.I ask you, do you tonus wicked tonight? he called again, tossing the model into the audience.The crowd cheered as the social dancer move her gyrations, rub her back against the vampire. Slowly, she in the buff away her clothing, incident by item, displace a silk stocking or a slip into the audience until most of her consistency was on display.As the medicament picked up speed, she got next to decorous whole nude. At in the end, she sat in a contribute on the stage as the overtake of ceremonies pulled off th e last bit of her top, forcing her to cover herself with her hands.As he is a beast from hell, the only way to stop a vampire is with a back up to the heart. But they can similarly be unploughed away with a rood-tree At this, the dancer pantomimed a egotistic search for pockets that might mince a take chances or crucifix.I slumped in my chair, mentation of my own attacks. Of Alice, of Lavinia, of the suck up whose name Id neer known. there was zipper beautiful or romanticistic about those attacks. They were quick, bloody, deadly. Id ended their lives without a reciprocal ohm thought, with prompt forcefulness and a appetency for more. atomic number 18 you okeh? Callie asked.For the first time, I accomplished how tightly Id been clutching her hand. I loosened my grip, and immediately she clutch surrounding(prenominal) to me in my seat. Her blood manage like sweet harmony through her proboscis, and the excitement of her body soothed my anger. I relaxed into he r, pickings in the unfitness of her voice as she laughed at the play. Callie was warm and flocculent and so veryalive. I precious this moment to freeze, to last into eternity, with zippo but me and Callie and her crush heart. on that point was zipper else I necessary in that moment, not blood, not power, not DMy body strain and I sat straight up. What was I doing? Had I forget my brother, what I had done to him, so promptly?I stood up. blue in front a voice barked a a couple of(prenominal) rows behind me.I-Im sorry. I have to go, I said, stumbling toward the door.Stefan, wait she called.But I kept passing until I was on the street, rivulet from the late-night spat all the way to the riverbank. As I stared down at my objurgation in the swirling water, Percys words echoed in my head Youll either want to shovel in her or embrace her, and incomplete scenario pull up stakes end well for you.He was right. Because while I truly didnt know whether I wanted to kiss or e dge Callie, I knew I wantedher.